

Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-threatening genetic disease affecting the developed world and there is currently no cure – but there is hope and we can all be part of the solution!

Through CF Fight Squad, you too can become part of the army finding cure for CF by making a regular contribution to support this vital research. Your gift can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly, and no matter what amount you decide to give, you can be assured that it will make a big difference.

Each contribution brings us closer to a cure for cystic fibrosis, which for the 3,000 people living with CF in Australia and the 70,000 people affected worldwide and their families, cannot arrive soon enough.

Will you join us in the fight against cystic fibrosis and help pave a future free of this disease?

As a member of CF Fight Squad, you will receive regular updates about the research we are funding, as well as information about upcoming events. This way you will be able to stay in touch with the impact your regular donations are making to accelerate the development of a cure for cystic fibrosis.

Click here and join us today on the journey to cure cystic fibrosis.

Support our research with a regular gift. Join the Fight Squad and help us face cystic fibrosis head on.

Meet Fight Squad member, Danyelle.

This month we spoke to Danyelle about what it’s like to be a part of CF Fight Squad.

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